Google Ad Counterproductive

It has been some time since I have the leap controller. Lately I noticed that all the pages I open have leap ads in them. It's obviously from Google, somehow it has decided that I'm interested in leap. It's possible that it caught it because I opened many sites related to leap controller as well as the Airspace site itself.
That's just the problem. I'm interested in the controller because I already have one. I'm looking on ways to better my experience with it, hence the searches. Why oh why would it think that I want to buy another one, and why wouldn't it assume that I have one and am just interested buying more related apps?
Those ads costs Leap Motion money, money that is wasted on throwing apps on the product to users. Google decided to put those ads there and automatically charges them. I don't think Leap Motion knows about those misplaced ads. It may only happens to me, but there's no guarantee that it's just me. Times 300, and that's a lot of money wasted on something useless.
I'm letting Leap Motion know. They should do something about it.
