Finally, handbrake

Handbrake adalah program converter dvd ke ipod video yang selama ini kukira hanya tersedia untuk mac saja.
Jangan lupa untuk download dvd43 juga

"Getting the Programs
There are 2 programs that you will need to do this.  One is HandBrake itself, and the other is
DVD43.  Both of these are free, and contain no viruses.
HandBrake 2.1
(This download requires a code that you need to input.  The code is shown in an image above on
that same page.  If the code doesn't work, simply refresh the page to get a new one.)
DVD43 3.9.0
There are a couple of download links about 2/3 of the way down the page.  All of these links
will get you to the correct program.  You might have to restart your computer afterward."
