Early review of the "$100 laptop"

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via Cognitive Daily on Jul 26, 2007

Fox News has a very detailed review of the so-called $100 laptop, officially called the XO. The technology sounds quite impressive:

Even though bright sunshine is beating down upon the laptop screen, you're having no trouble reading the display.

But the sunlight is OK, since it's powering your system through a small, low-cost solar cell. And the XO doesn't need much power since it runs at a fraction of what laptops that are considered "green" run at.

The review only gets more glowing from there:

I expected to be impressed simply by the economic, low-power capabilities and wireless mesh features of the XO. But what I saw firsthand exceeded these expectations. Put simply, the XO is one of the most revolutionary computer systems that I've seen in some time. The entire time I was looking at the XO, I was thinking, "Why can't my new expensive laptop do this?"

But while everyone marvels at the technology behind the XO, I think the real breakthrough in the device is something completely different: it's all based on open-source software. I'll explain why below.

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