Why we hate?

This site was fun to stumble upon. It reminds me of my own government. They must be covering and prohibiting any news about the freedom fighters of Aceh and Papua, and any other region for that matters. Independence matter is really a tricky subject for me. Should the Timor Leste people not be given any chance to free themselves, they wouldn't be in such tight mess as now, recieving whatever Australia and other countries has to feed them while exploiting their countries of their natural resources. I wonder if their freedom was worth the burden they're carrying right now. I also wonder would Indonesia be a better country had it stay a Netherland's colony, or a member of the Commonwealth countries.
The concept of many people claiming they're the voice of the rest, joining hands to seperate themselves against others, eludes me. Then again, should there only be one nation in this earth, The US nor Japan wouldn't be so powerful after all, being no countries under them to compare with.
Sometime later I should really find alternative answers to "Why we hate" and "Why we suffer". The last answer wasn't anything explanatory. Bafa of ICMC Indonesia, while interviewing me, simply concludes "We have to suffer. It's natural." I thought, no we don't. we certainly don't want to. Yet external or internal factors force us to suffer some, most or all of the time.
